About us

We empower businesses that develop a competitive advantage using cutting-edge products and technology. Our approach is effective and pragmatic. Working in agile project teams, in partnership with experts from diverse fields, we deliver outstanding results. We have assembled a team of top-tier technology specialists with an innovative mindset regarding law and compliance.

Our expertise extends beyond resolving everyday issues, drafting contracts, and creating documentation. We assist companies in their market expansion, provide counsel on investment planning and execution, financing acquisition, and infrastructure operation. We are well-versed in the secure deployment and maintenance of systems and machinery. Moreover, we are equipped to assist you when a contractor defaults, or a client fails to pay for goods or services. Discover the individual driving our Law Firm's success.

managing partner law office

dr Monika Bogdał

Attorney-at-law, economist, ISO 27001 lead auditor.

Recognized expert specializing in new technology law and environmental protection. She helps companies ensure that their processes and products comply with legal requirements. She has extensive knowledge of regulated sectors. She has advised on securing critical infrastructure in the energy, telecommunications, transportation, and water and sewage sectors

With almost 15 years of experience, she dissects business processes to their core. She grasps the complexities of technology implementation within businesses. She assists in minimizing cyber risks in compliance with NIS2, national cyber regulations, GDPR, and ISO requirements. She provides guidance on managing the aftermath of data breaches and cybersecurity incidents.

She provides expert opinions on incident reporting frameworks and offers guidance on risk management that aligns with quality management systems and ERM practices. She creates and negotiates agreements for software development and servicing. She facilitates the setup of cybersecurity structures and effective cooperation with external Security Operations Centers (SOCs).

Clients can count on her skills in acquiring permits and approvals necessary to operate their business in EU. She is highly knowledgeable in waste management practices that meets legal requirements. She helps with completing international waste transport documentation, calculating fees in regards to packaging of goods and recycling obligations or assessing the validity of Polish Waste Database records.

Drawing on years of experience, she knows how to specify the requirements for products subject to REACH and CLP regulations, as well as sectoral product regulations (for construction, electrical, electronic, or pressure equipment). Product declarations and labels hold no secrets for her. She creates Factory Production Control Procedures (FPC) and procedures related to the recall of non-compliant products.

She support clients during inspections conducted by market surveillance authorities such as Voivodeship Inspectorate of Building Supervision, General Inspectorate of Building Supervision, Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. And represents them in proceedings before administrative courts. She has extensive experience in rescuing businesses in critical situations.
