Privacy Policy

What can you find in this document?

We have gathered in one place all the information related to the privacy of your data. It describes the rules of processing data that we collect when you visit our websites, when you visit our profiles on social media, or when you use our services.

If any information contained in the Privacy Policy is unclear or incomprehensible, please let us know. We will do our best to clarify your doubts. Never sign a contract or make a statement if you do not fully understand the consequences of your actions.

GDPR Information: Personal Data Processing Policies

1. Kontakt z nami powoduje przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych. Dowiedz się więcej, o czym mowa.

What is GDPR??

GDPR is a European Union law that sets out requirements for the protection of personal data.

Its full name is Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). It was published in the Official Journal of the EU, series L, No. 119, of 04.05.2016, from page 1.

What does it mean "personal data"??

Any information that allows you to identify a specific person with 100% certainty is considered personal data under GDPR. The most common personal data include first and last name, home address, phone number, e-mail address, and national identification number.

The scope of your personal data that we process depends on our interactions.

What data are considered special categories of personal data?

Information, which disclose:

  • racial or ethnic origin,
  • poglądy polityczne,
  • przekonania religijne lub światopoglądowe,
  • przynależność do związków zawodowych,
  • genetic data,
  • biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person,
  • dane dotyczących zdrowia,
  • dane o seksualności lub orientacji seksualnej.
Who is the controller of your personal data?

Decisions regarding the purpose and method of processing your personal data are made by the data controller. In our case, this is the person who runs the Law Firm - PhD Monika Bogdal.

Here's the translation of the provided text into English: "Decisions regarding the purpose and method of processing your personal data are made by the data controller. In our case, this is the person who runs the Law Firm - Dr. Monika Bogdał. Whenever information or documents received from us mention the transfer or processing of personal data, this should be understood as actions carried out by the controller or at their behest - by people working in the Law Firm or to whom the Law Firm has entrusted such processing (as our processors).

How can you contact the controller?

By sending a letter by post to the Law Firm's registered office address:
56 Styp-Rekowskiego Street, 77-100 Bytów, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland.

By emailing:,

Calling the number +48 503 185 408.

Where did we get your personal data from?

The primary source of personal data is provision by the individual to whom the data relates, meaning you. We may also receive personal data from other individuals, such as:

  • przełożony lub inny pracownik firmy, dla której pracujesz (bez względu na to czy łączy Was umowa o pracę, umowa o współpracy – tzw. B2B, czy inna forma, np. jesteś członkiem organu spółki),
  • a business partner or their employee,
  • Twój pełnomocnik lub opiekun prawny,
  • osoba, która jest stroną w toczącej się sprawie przed urzędem, mediatorem, sądem lub innym organem publicznym albo bierze udział w innej czynności prawnej z Twoim udziałem,
  • marketer lub osoba zajmująca się profesjonalnym pozyskiwaniem tzw. leadów (zapytań o usługi) lub zarządzaniem bazami danych do celów reklamowych, jeżeli ma Twoją zgodę na takie udostępnianie danych osobowych,
  • wspólne kontakty, w związku z poleceniem do współpracy.

Dane osobowe możemy też pozyskać z publicznie dostępnych rejestrów, ze stron internetowych firm, dla których pracujesz, z mediów społecznościowych, materiałów informacyjnych lub marketingowych udostępnionych publicznie, otrzymanych na wydarzeniach, w których bierzemy udział (ogólnodostępnych lub otrzymanych od organizatora jako sponsor lub partner).

Who is excluded from our obligation to inform about the collection of personal data?

If you are an opposing party or another participant in proceedings where the Law Firm provides its client with representation by a professional legal representative, your data may be transferred to the Law Firm in documents originating from courts, administrative bodies, or entities participating in activities related to such a case.

Due to professional secrecy related to ongoing cases, we do not inform individuals whose data we obtain in this way about the fact and method of their processing. We are permitted to do so under Article 14(5) of the GDPR.

What will happen to your data if you withdraw your consent to its processing?

If personal data were processed based on consent, withdrawing it will result in us ceasing to process it. Actions taken before receiving the statement of withdrawal of consent will remain lawful (they cannot be reversed).

When do you withdraw consent and when do you object to the processing of your personal data?

You can only withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data if we have asked you to give it for the purpose of lawfully processing your data. If the processing is based on another legal basis, the rules for working with your data are governed by the GDPR provisions.

If we have indicated our legitimate interest as the basis for processing your personal data, you can object to us processing it. Your objection will be effective and binding unless we demonstrate the existence of compelling legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or grounds for establishing, pursuing, or defending claims (ours or yours). In the case of direct marketing activities, we will stop processing your personal data upon receiving your objection.

Who can we disclose your personal data to?

Your personal data may be accessed by our employees, associates, partners, or third parties who participate in providing the services you use. Who can be the recipients of the personal data we process? Entities such as:

  • firmy świadczące wsparcie informatyczne, programistyczne lub usługi związane z cyberbezpieczeństwem,
  • dostawcy oprogramowania związanego z organizacją pracy lub obsługą klientów (typu ERP),
  • księgowi lub audytorzy,
  • courier companies (e.g., DPD, DHL, GLS, InPost) or postal operators (Polish Post),
  • dostawcy usług hostingowych ( OVH,, Microsoft),
  • dostawcy platform mediów społecznościowych, aplikacji lub systemów do celów komunikowania, prowadzenia analityki marketingowej lub wsparcia sprzedaży ( Meta, Google, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited),
  • dostawcy komunikatorów internetowych ( Microsoft, Google),
  • banki, firmy dostarczające usługi płatności elektronicznych lub obsługujące płatności kartami,
  • operatorzy usług telekomunikacyjnych,
  • insurers,
  • biura tłumaczeń,
  • other law firms, notary offices, patent offices, or bailiff offices.
Will we make automated decisions based on your personal data?

Currently, we do not use mechanisms based solely on automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, to produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you.

How long will we process your personal data?

We process data only as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which we received it. The deadline is usually determined by the statute of limitations (ours or yours) or legal regulations.

You can find out how we determine the deadline for data processing (the so-called data retention period) in the information published in point 2 below.

What are your rights regarding our processing of your personal data?

The person whose data we process has the right to access them, request their rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, transfer, or object to their processing.

Verification of requests submitted in connection with the exercise of the mentioned rights is carried out in accordance with the GDPR. The regulations specify situations when the submitted requests must be fulfilled and those when their fulfillment is not justified. Upon receiving a request concerning the exercise of the mentioned rights, the Law Firm will promptly provide a response to the submitted request, explaining how it will be implemented in the specific case.

Your right to file a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Everyone whose personal data we process has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, i.e., the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if they 1 believe that the processing of their personal data by the controller violates applicable legal provisions. You can find more information here:

2. Każde przetwarzanie danych osobowych ma określony cel i podstawę prawną wynikającą z RODO. Dowiedz się, które z nich Cię dotyczą.

Providing us with personal data is voluntary, but without it, we will not be able to provide our services or establish and fulfill a specific form of cooperation (e.g., send a newsletter or admit someone to the office). The legal bases for personal data processing are described by separating them into purposes (circumstances) for which we collect them.

    Visiting the website

    During your visit, we process personal data when you use electronic content that requires registration or approve the personalization of content that requires your individual identification. This is related to the provision of electronic services. Regardless of whether the content is presented to you for a fee or free of charge, a contract is concluded between us. This means that we process your data for the purpose of performing this contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). This data may include your first name, last name, email address, demographic data – and, in the case of paid content, your billing information.

    Regarding the issuance of tax documents (invoices or receipts) and financial transactions, we process your data because the law obliges us to do so (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR). The retention period for accounting documentation is 5 years from the end of the tax year to which they relate.

    We may collect some of your data for analytical and statistical purposes (to improve our services) or to ensure the security of our resources. These purposes constitute our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    If you subscribe to the newsletter on the website or fill out a contact form, please additionally check the rules for processing your personal data for these activities.

    Using social media

    If you engage in activities on our social media pages by clicking "Like," "Follow," "Share," or "Subscribe," leave a comment, share our content, send private messages, messages in groups, or otherwise interact with us, we process your personal data because you have decided to engage in such activity (you have consented to it – Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

    We process your login, contact details, or other data that you share or provide in your profile or during your activity on social media.

    We are joint controllers of your personal data along with the owner of the platform operating the social media network. By logging into the social media platform, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with its terms and conditions.

    Some platforms may, in accordance with their terms and conditions, transfer your personal data outside the EEA. This is beyond our control, so always check the platform's terms and conditions in this regard before creating an account.


    When you subscribe to our newsletter, you do so consciously, therefore we process your personal data based on your expressed consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). This includes the email address you provide and data collected by cookies that support the newsletter.

    You may also receive our newsletter without subscribing if our client has designated you as a contact person in connection with the performance of a contract. In such a situation, we inform you about our services or changes in regulations related to our marketing activities, directed to your employer or client. This constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Recruitment or sending us a CV

    If you submit your CV to us without a current recruitment process, we process your personal data because we received these documents from you (with your consent – Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). The same applies when you agree to provide us with data for the purposes of future recruitment or provide us with more data than is necessary for the actual recruitment process.

    In the case of applying for a position within an advertised recruitment, we process your personal data based on one of two possible legal grounds. If we are hiring under an employment contract, it is based on legal provisions (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR). If we are considering entering into a civil law contract with you, we process your data to determine whether we will enter into a cooperation agreement (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).

    Sending inquiries or other contact

    Contacting us via email, phone number, or contact form means that you agree to be identified in the matter you are contacting us about (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

    If you contact us because you want to receive an offer regarding our services or products, we process your personal data to conclude a contract for these services or products. However, the basis for processing differs depending on who will be a party to such a contract:

    • Ty, wtedy przetwarzanie danych jest związane z naszą relacją biznesową (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO),
    • Twój pracodawca lub zleceniodawca – wtedy przetwarzanie odbywa się z uwagi na nasz nasz uzasadniony interes, którym jest współpraca z tym podmiotem (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO).
    Using our services

    If you place an order with us for consulting services, purchase an electronic service from us, or access our materials, an oral, email, or written agreement is concluded between us. Therefore, we process your personal data for the purpose of concluding or performing it (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).

    During the provision of legal assistance, you may provide us with special categories of data that concern you or another person. We process such data to provide legal assistance on the terms specified in the provisions of Polish law regulating the legal profession of an attorney or advocate. This is related to the establishment, investigation, or defense of claims (Article 9(2)(f) GDPR).

    Regarding the issuance of tax documents (invoices or receipts) and financial transactions, we process your data because the law obliges us to do so (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR). The retention period for accounting documentation is 5 years from the end of the tax year to which they relate.

    You may participate in activities related to the provision of our services or the sale of our electronic materials because your employer or client is our Client. In such a situation, the processing of your personal data is for the purpose of implementing cooperation, which constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Personal data collected during legal proceedings in which we provide legal assistance is processed for 10 years from the end of the year in which they were concluded. Other personal data is processed until the statute of limitations.

    Providing us with goods or services

    If you are our partner, supplier, or service provider, it means that we have an oral, email, or written agreement and we process your data in connection with its conclusion or performance (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).

    We may also process your data if we have concluded an agreement with your employer or client. In this case, processing your personal data for the purpose of performing this agreement constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Acting as a proxy, member of company bodies, performing tasks by employees of our clients or suppliers (current and potential)

    We may process your data to perform an agreement or take actions with the participation of the entity you represent or work for. This constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Visiting our office

    The business we conduct has certain requirements related to maintaining the confidentiality of the information we process. Therefore, we cannot allow uncontrolled entry into our office or movement within its premises. As a result, we verify the personal details of individuals entering our office and maintain visitor logs. In this way, we process your data to ensure adequate security. This constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

    Processing data in connection with the establishment, investigation, or defense of claims

    It may happen that a dispute arises between us. Therefore, we process your data for the purpose of establishing, investigating, or defending claims, which constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). You cannot object to such processing within the meaning of the GDPR.

    If we process special categories of data for this purpose, the legal basis for processing is Article 9(2)(f) GDPR.

    We process data for the purpose of achieving this goal until the statute of limitations for claims expires. The basic limitation period for claims is 3 years (for B2B relations and services recurring cyclically) and 6 years for other relations. It is counted from the end of the year in which the claim arose.

    Cookie's policy

    Websites use cookies. Our website is no different. When you visit and browse it, your web browser saves small text files on your device. The data contained within them allows the device to be recognized and the website to be displayed appropriately. They typically include the name of the website they relate to, the storage time, and the data that identifies them.

    Among cookies, there are those without which the website will not function. The website needs them to display content, use its functionality, and ensure safe browsing during your visit. They do not store any personal data that could identify you. We refer to them as necessary cookies. You cannot disable them. Lack of consent to their use can only be expressed by leaving our website. Therefore, the cookie information bar will display "always active" next to them.

    Other cookies work to collect information needed to improve website performance, better personalize it for your convenience, or support marketing activities. In their case, you can decide whether they can operate and to what extent; therefore, we refer to them as additional cookies. How can you make this decision? In one of two ways:

    • odrzuć wszystkie dodatkowe pliki cookies klikając czerwony przycisk „Odrzuć”,
    • samodzielnie wybierz pliki, na które się zgadzasz, wprowadzając dane w panelu, który wyświetli się po kliknięciu „Ustaw cookies”.

    You can do this immediately upon your first visit to the website or return to it later. You can always modify the information in the panel hidden under the blue, round cookie icon (you will find it in the bottom right corner of our website).

    Due to their lifetime, cookies can be active:

    • podczas konkretnej sesji, czyli wejścia na naszą stronę lub otwarcia przeglądarki (tzw. pliki sesyjne),
    • przez określony z góry okres, przez który plik jest zapisany na urządzeniu zgodnie ze swoimi ustawieniami lub do czasu ich skasowania przez użytkownika (tzw. pliki stałe).

    Before you consent to additional cookies, please familiarize yourself with the tasks that individual types of these files perform. We have collected them for you in the table below. You can delete cookies stored on your device by clearing browsing data in your browser.

    FUNCTIONALThey allow the website's operation to be adjusted based on your selected settings. This makes its use more personalized and convenient. They process information such as the region you are logging in from, the choice of browsing language, or the settings of consents you have given.
    ANALITICALThey collect data about website traffic, your clicks, and interactions with content. They are used to detect navigation problems, analyze trends, assess the website's structure or functionality, and make decisions about its development. They include, among others, data on the number of visits, time spent on the website, most frequently visited subpages, where you were redirected from to the website, keywords, or clicks on links.
    PERFORMANCEThey support monitoring and optimizing website performance. We use them to detect and resolve technical problems, optimize website code, improve operating speed, and overall performance. They include, among others, website loading time, server operating speed, occurring errors, and browser compatibility problems.
    They track your activity on the Internet and collect data about what you like or are interested in. They help display ads tailored to your preferences, direct advertising content to you, or measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. They process demographic information (e.g., age, gender), location, pages you visit, products or services you search for, clicks on ads, and other information about your choices.

    Document version

    Date of the last update: 14.02.2025
