In accordance with European law, providing content through a website constitutes the provision of electronic services. Therefore, below you will find information regarding the use of our services available through our website, specified in accordance with the provisions of the Act of October 14, 2024, on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws 2024, item 1513, as amended).
Usługodawca, czyli kto dostarczy Ci treści elektroniczne
The operation of the website is provided by PhD Monika Bogdał, conducting business under the name Wsparcie Procesów Biznesowych Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Monika Bogdał, with registered office in Bytów (77-100), 56 Styp-Rekowskiego Street, VAT ID 8421685324, email:
The Service Provider practices the profession of attorney-at-law in Poland, which entails entry on the list maintained by the Regional Bar Associacion in Poznan under the number PZ-3763. The rules of ethics applicable to legal counsels can be found in the code published on the website of the National Chamber of Legal Counsels. The content of the code of ethics can be checked here (text in Polish)..
Rodzaje treści dostępne w serwisie
Our content is available to you free of charge (publications, newsletter) or through paid services (courses).
Jak dochodzi do zawarcia umowy między nami?
For free content, you enter into a contract with us when you view the content or subscribe to the newsletter. This occurs without the need for additional acceptance of the terms of service or the creation of an account.
Paid content requires account creation or access authorization. The contract between us is concluded when you click to access and confirm your agreement to the provisions of the terms and conditions. The content of the concluded contract includes the rules published with the content you purchase and these terms of service.
Fees for courses are charged for access to a cours, regardless of whether you use that access or not.
If you want us to provide you with access to training courses before the expiration of the withdrawal period (14 days from the date of purchase), you must check the appropriate box indicating consent for early access. You will receive access immediately, but since we will have fulfilled our service, you will lose the right to withdraw from the contract.
Jakie masz obowiązki w związku z korzystaniem z odpłatnych treści?
To fulfill the contract, you must make a payment. This involves the issuance of accounting and billing documents (invoices). Therefore, you must ensure that the billing information you provide is correct (name, billing address, tax identification number (VAT ID), e-mail address).
Additionally, to ensure compliance with the rules regarding the sharing of our materials, we process your data identifying the termination of the telecommunications network or IT system you are using (IP). For this, we require your consent to analytical cookies.
Jakie oprogramowanie i sprzęt są potrzebne do korzystania z serwisu?
Access to the web service is possible through a web browser. You launch it on your device, which can be a computer, tablet, or smartphone with an installed operating system and web browser. The connection will only be established if your device has internet access.
For browsing content on the service, it doesn't matter whether you use LINUX, WINDOWS, macOS, Android, or iOS, nor which browser you use. It is important that these are the most up-to-date versions of the software; otherwise, some content may not display or may display incorrectly.
Paid content requires authorization or login. Therefore, for proper use, the browser must accept cookies. Making payments using electronic payment modules may also require payment authorization from you (e.g., in your bank's application). We use standard solutions provided by trusted suppliers.
Dostępność treści (SLA)
The availability of the service and the content published therein depends on the hosting service provider, which declares an availability level of 99.95%. If you pay for access to content available on the service, we will inform you about planned service availability interruptions. Regarding other content, we do not guarantee its availability.
If you cannot access paid content, first check if you have an internet connection, that your device has no problems opening other websites, and that it supports the cookies necessary for using our services. Ensure that the authorization details you entered are correct and that the paid access time for the content has not expired.
After performing the described steps, if you find that you still cannot access the paid content, please report it to us immediately by e-mail. We will investigate the issue. Remember that we work from Monday to Friday, so messages sent on a non-working day will be addressed on the next business day.
Szczególne zagrożenia związane z korzystaniem z serwisu
Using electronic content can always involve risks related to the theft of your data or gaining control of your device. How can this happen?
Fałszywe strony
Criminals may display content mimicking our service, unlawfully using our materials. Therefore, exercise particular vigilance. After entering the website, check the full details of the site (displayed after clicking on the icon before the website address) and the letters in the displayed www address (https).
Wyłudzenie płatności
Before authorizing any payment, verify that the amount to be paid matches the price displayed on the website, and if you are paying by bank transfer, ensure that our details are correct and that our bank account is linked to our VAT ID number.
If an automatic chat opens on the payment page, additional fields appear to be filled, or the page's appearance deviates from the standard, you may be on a fake website. Do not enter any data there—close it and report it to us or to the payment integrator.
Wyłudzenie danych finansowych telefonicznie lub przez e-mail
Remember that we will not call you during or after a transaction to ask for your bank account number, credit or debit card details, or any other personal data concerning you or others. This also applies to SMS codes or other transaction authorization data. If something goes wrong, the transaction will be interrupted or canceled, and you may receive a notification from us. However, this message will not contain files or clickable links.
Payment systems require you to provide an email address to send payment confirmation to that address. We do not have access to such correspondence or influence over its content. However, remember that payment integrator employees will also not write or call you to ask for additional information or confirm a transaction. And you can always verify contact from your bank in your bank's application. Stay vigilant in this regard.
Phishing via e-mail
Wysyłamy do Ciebie wiadomości tylko z podanego w regulaminie adresu e-mail. Nie poprosimy Cię o podanie Twoich danych do logowania, haseł ani innych informacji. Sprawdzaj nie tylko nazwę, która się wyświetla w Twoim programie pocztowym, ale przede wszystkim schowany pod nią adres e-mail. Nasze maile mogą zawierać linki do klikania, które będą prowadziły do naszej strony internetowej. Zanim cokolwiek klikniesz najedź na przycisk kursorem myszy i sprawdź schowany w nim adres www.
Złośliwe oprogramowanie
We do not provide any .exe files or other installation software for download from our website. Therefore, we will not ask you to download or open installation files on your device. We never organize promotions where you can receive material or financial rewards, lotteries, or prize contests. If you see such content, close the browser window because you are on a fake website. If such information also appears on other websites, your device may have been infected with malware. Contact your IT support for help.
Jak możesz zakończyć korzystanie z naszych treści w serwisie?
For free content, simply:
- zamkniesz okno w przeglądarce, w której oglądasz nasz serwis,
- wypiszesz się z newslettera.
Access to the training courses we offer may be paid for on a one-time basis or in a subscription format. Content provided for a one-time fee will be available to you for a period of 3 months from the date of purchase. After this period, access will expire. If you wish to stop using this content earlier, you can do so at any time by deleting your access account. However, this will not result in a reduction of the price paid (the access fee is non-refundable).
For subscription access, you can discontinue access by terminating the subscription. Your termination notice must be sent to us via email at at least 7 days before the end of each month of the subscription. If we receive it, from the next month onwards, we will no longer provide you with paid content or charge you for its costs.
Amendments to the terms of service
We may amend the terms and conditions at any time, but we understand that rules are not changed during gameplay. Therefore, the services you purchase from us are provided in accordance with the terms and conditions in effect on the date of your purchase. Any changes to the rules of use that we introduce later will result solely from changes in legal regulations or from reasons attributable to the infrastructure providers we use to deliver the services.
or all content where access is linked to providing your e-mail address, you will receive a message with the new terms and conditions at least 14 days before the effective date of such a change. We will give you adequate time to decide whether to stop using our services if you do not agree to the introduced changes.
Treści bezprawne
If, while browsing the website, you notice that the content published on it may violate legal regulations, please report it to us at the email address:
n cases where the website allows you to upload or publish data, you must not introduce content that could violate legal regulations (of an unlawful nature).
You can report faults related to access to content to the address: We will process received complaints within 14 days from the date of receipt. In the complaint, please provide all the information that will allow us to understand the problem and identify the service it relates to. If the complaint is incomplete, we will contact you with a request for additional information.
You will receive a response to the email address from which you sent us the message. If the address from which you sent us the message is different from the one we have in our database, we will send you an email requesting confirmation of the complaint before proceeding with its resolution. Lack of response within 21 days will result in the complaint being considered spam (a message sent by someone who impersonated you), and it will not be processed. You will receive a second notification about this to the email address provided in our system.
In case of a refund, we will process it using the same method by which the funds were paid.
Do you deem the service to be performed incorrectly? You can file a lawsuit in the court with jurisdiction over your place of residence. If you are a consumer, you can seek assistance from the consumer rights ombudsman or the trade inspection—more information can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
This version of the terms of service was published on February 28, 2025.